The 4Kscore® Test

Take a confident step forward in aggressive prostate cancer assessment


For your patients with an elevated PSA who are considering a prostate biopsy, The 4Kscore Test® can help inform your prostate cancer work up.

  • The 4Kscore Test is approved by the FDA to assess the probability of finding aggressive prostate cancer in men 45 or older with an age-stratified elevated PSA or a positive nodule on DRE, before a prostate biopsy decision.
  • 4Kscore provides an individualized, patient-specific probability of finding aggressive prostate cancer on biopsy.
  • The 4Kscore Test has been validated in 2 prospective clinical trials with over 1,000 patients. It has been demonstrated to have performance characteristics of 96.9% sensitivity and 95.9% negative predictive value (NPV) for finding clinically significant aggressive prostate cancer on biopsy.
  • The 4Kscore Test provides valuable information to aid in the discussion between you and your patient when a prostate biopsy is being considered.

For more information about The 4Kscore® Test, including over 100 peer reviewed publications, patient brochures and guides, specimen requirements, report samples, and billing information, visit the 4Kscore website.

Full test information can also be found using the Test Directory.