Billing Policies for Patients

At BioReference®, we understand that billing processes and procedures should be made as simple as possible. The below billing policies have been outlined to provide key issues that may be relevant to you.

For Patients with In-Network Insurance

For all patients with in-network insurance, all cost sharing amounts (copay, coinsurance, deductible and out of pocket costs) are deemed the responsibility of the patient.

For Patients with Out-Of-Network Insurance

For all patients with out-of-network insurance, all cost sharing amounts (copay, coinsurance, deductible and out of pocket costs) are deemed the financial responsibility of the patient. In addition, any insurance payments due to BioReference®, but issued to the patient for services provided by BioReference®, are due immediately to BioReference®. If a patient receives a check that should have been issued to BioReference® for services rendered, the patient must sign over and return the check to BioReference® in a timely manner. If not forwarded to BioReference® in a timely manner, the matter will be outsourced to a collection agency.

In accordance with the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) provided by the patient’s health insurance carrier, regardless of whether in-network or out-of-network, patients will be sent two (2) statements in an effort to make a reasonable attempt to collect any and all outstanding balances. This will be followed by a pre-collection notice advising patients that if payment is not received in a timely manner, they may be outsourced to a collection agency. Financial Assistance Programs are available for qualified patients.

For Patients with No Insurance or Self-Pay

Uninsured patients or those who choose to SELF-PAY are financially responsible for all services provided. All invoices are expected to be paid in full. If payment is not received in a timely manner, they may be outsourced to a collection agency.

Financial Assistance Program

BioReference® is pleased to assist patients with clinical testing needs. We understand testing can be expensive so we offer a Financial Assistance Program (FAP). Click here to visit the Financial Assistance Program page to learn more.

Patient Benefit Investigation

Receive an estimate based on the patient’s health insurance carrier. The patient is financially responsible for any amounts owed and due as indicated on the patient’s Explanation of Benefits issued by the patient’s health insurance carrier in accordance with the patient’s health benefit plan. Click here to use our Cost Estimator Tool

Outstanding Balances

When visiting one of our laboratory collection centers, patients with outstanding balances will be advised of any past-due amount owed to BioReference® Health, LLC. Patients will be asked to pay the balance in full (or a minimum of $100 if the balance is more than $100*) before we can continue with the current service or collect the new test specimen.

Bills can be paid online through our HIPAA-compliant, secure Patient Portal, here.

*If only making a minimum payment of your amount owed and due, please be advised that the patient is still be responsible for the remainder balance of the bill.


Are you covered?

Click the link below to check insurance coverage, or if you have additional questions, please call Billing Customer Service at 1-833-4MYLABS (833-469-5227), available M-F 8AM-7PM ET.

Check Insurance Coverage