Movember: Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Did you know the average lifespan is about five years longer for women than men in the United States, and about seven years longer worldwide – as noted by Harvard Health Publishing? This Movember, we’re joining the pursuit to combat major men’s health issues – such as mental health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – by breaking down how you can stay on top of your health.

Contributing Factors of Men’s Health Issues

On average, according Harvard Health, men pay less attention to their health than women do. In fact, did you know that compared to women, men are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, take more risks, make unhealthy choices, and put off regular checkups and medical care?

Movember’s Objective

Though there are many health problems that could impact an individual, Movember seeks to help tackle three major men’s health issues:

How You Can Make a Difference

During Movember, men are “challenged” to grow a moustache to help raise awareness for these issues. Additionally, men and women alike can be physically active and partake in fundraising events. Not only do these commitments raise vital funds, they also generate powerful and often life-changing conversations. To get involved or learn more, visit

Find Support Through GenPath

When it comes to men’s health, GenPath’s goal is to help our patients lead longer and healthier lives.  This comprehensive approach focuses not only on topics such as prostate cancer and sexual health, but also supports broader issues that may be affected by mental health and lifestyle choices.

Be Proactive

BioReference offers a broad portfolio of tests for general wellness and vitality, sexual health, prostate cancer, and hereditary cancers.  This November is a perfect time to remind men to take an active interest in their own mental and physical health.

Get Tested

Having the right tests performed is one of the most important things a man can do to take an active interest in his health. If you are concerned about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, health and wellness, sexual health or other health concerns, consult your healthcare provider about appropriate testing and diagnosis.


  1. Harvard Health Publishing.
  2. Harvard Health Publishing.